About Dr. Shreemit Maheshwari – Psychiatrist in Indore

Dr. Shreemit Maheshwari’s Maheshwari Mind Clinic is one of the most promising and upcoming centre for the treatment of Mental Health problems in Central India.  Dr. Shreemit Maheshwari has pursued his specialization at the prestigious JSS Medical College in Mysore, Karnataka. He has undergone training in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the renowned institute NIMHANS, Bengaluru, and training in Geriatric Psychiatry at the prestigious  KGMU, Lucknow. He is well-equipped and trained in treating General Adult and Child Psychiatry disorders. The importance of adequate training at good institutes makes him an able listener which is a very important part of today’s treatment in psychiatry. The detailed analysis and empathetic approach give him an edge to better understand his patients and develop a healthy and professional relationship with them. He aims to render service as a Psychiatrist, investing time and skills in diagnosis, treatment, and innovative techniques in the field of mental health.


You know, 90% of your problems are related to your mind? All the fear, anxiety will adversely affect your mind and can take peace of mind away from you. We care for your mind and help you win the battle against a powerful mind.


Every face, everybody will look perfect if it is full of confidence. We’ll take you that stage where you will be full of energy and enthusiasm.


Problems can be of any kind whether it’s some setback that stills your life’s pace or some bad habit which is the reason for the panic for you and your family. Ultimately everything affects life.


Your soul is the center of your energy, a happy soul leads to a happy life. We figure out what stops you from being happy and let you meet yourself and your inner potential.

Published chapters

  1. Author of a chapter in book “Schizophrenia Treatment Outcomes: An Evidence-Based Approach to Recovery” titled Psycho-education in Schizophrenia.
  2. Co- author of a chapter in book “Schizophrenia Treatment Outcomes: An Evidence-Based Approach to Recovery” titled Co-morbid Psychiatric and Physical Disorders in Schizophrenia.

 Published articles

  1. Use of Google Maps to target public awareness – A pilot retrospective study at tertiary hospital https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5547879
  2. A Case Report of Steroid Induced Psychosis in a Female with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus http://www.anncaserep.com/full-text/accr-v2-id1337.php
  3. A Case Report of a Female Patient with Pica http://www.anncaserep.com/full-text/accr-v2-id1332.php
  4. Sexual Dysfunctions in Depression https://www.omicsonline.org/open-access/sexual-dysfunctions-in-depression-2572-0791-1000125-94120.html
  5. Understanding the schizophrenia prodrome https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5806335
  6. Nonresponsive responder! –Somatic symptoms presenting as refractory depression with response to electroconvulsive therapy http://www.anip.co.in/article.asp?issn=2588-8358;year=2018;volume=2;issue=2;spage=144;epage=146;aulast=Chandran
  7. Psychosocial intervention for sexual addiction https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5844164
  8. Psychosocial interventions for sexual dysfunction in addictive disorders https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5844163
  9. A Case Report of Insulinoma Treated for Refractory Seizures http://jmsh.ac.in/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=89%3Aa-case-report-of-insulinoma-treated-for-refractory-seizures&Itemid=1

Other publications

  1. “Avenues unexplored in treating sexual problems” an article for KANCIPS-2017 Souvenir by T.S. Sathyanarayana Rao and Shreemit Maheshwari
  2. An article on Sexual Desire disorders for an Annual Marathi Magazine “Satayushi” with a readership of 10 lakhs by T.S. Sathyanarayana Raoand Shreemit Maheshwari
  3. Article on Depression and Anxiety in the magazine “Shri Maheshwari Times”


mp medical council
doctor of medicine psychiatrist dr shreemit Maheshwari
psychiatrist in indore, certification