Other Childhood Psychiatry Problems

Other Childhood Psychiatry Problems

Childhood Disorders Treatment in Indore A child’s mind is very sensitive. He is a civilized member of society in making who has no fewer rights to live happily than others. A child’s brain needs care, and it’s the foremost responsibility of...

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Autism Treatment Indore

Autism Treatment Indore

Autism Treatment in Indore Autism is a spectrum disorder. It varies from child to child. Some children have shown very high signs of autism and some show less. It’s a serious developmental disorder that impairs the ability to communicate and...

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ADHD Treatment Indore

ADHD Treatment Indore

ADHD Treatment in Indore ADHD is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It’s a neurological disorder that impacts those parts of the brain which help us to plan, focus on, and in the execution of tasks. In ADHD the child becomes ultra-active...

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Sleep Problems Treatment in Indore

Sleep Problems Treatment in Indore

Sleep Disorders Treatment in Indore Sleep problems are a problem that affects the ability of a person to sleep regularly. There may be several reasons behind this, sometimes it happens because of oversleeping, sometimes stress, sometimes...

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Epilepsy Treatment Indore

Epilepsy Treatment Indore

Best Epilepsy Treatment in Indore Epilepsy is a mental disorder in which nerve cell activity in the brain gets disturbed, causing seizures, unusual behavior, and sensations and sometimes it may cause loss of awareness in a person. Epilepsy can...

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Headache/ Migraine

Headache/ Migraine

Headache and Migraine Treatment in Indore Migraine is severe pain or a pulsing sensation, that usually occurs in one part of the brain. Migraine headaches are sometimes, considered as warning preceded warning symptoms which can lead to more...

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Stress Counseling Indore

Stress Counseling Indore

Stress Management in Indore Stress is a feeling of resistance to an unwanted feeling, situation, or demand. Stress is the body’s reaction when it feels it is facing unfavorable or undesired circumstances. It is the most common feeling people...

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Sexual Problem Treatment in Indore

Sexual Problem Treatment in Indore

Sexual problems refer to the problem that prevents the couple from feeling the complete satisfaction of their sexual desire. This problem is common. Sexual dysfunction occurs in the phase of the sexual response cycle which became the reason for...

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Schizophrenia Treatment in Indore

Schizophrenia Treatment in Indore

Schizophrenia Treatment in Indore Schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder in which a person starts losing grip on reality and interprets reality abnormally. Schizophrenia may result in a person feeling hallucinations, delusion, and disordered...

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PTSD Treatment Indore

PTSD Treatment Indore

PTSD Treatment in Indore Post-traumatic stress disorder known as PTSD is a mental illness. It can come after some traumatic event happened to the person by which he could have faced near-death or got threatened with death or there may be some...

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OCD Treatment Indore

OCD Treatment Indore

OCD Treatment in Indore OCD, also known as an obsessive-compulsive disorder is a dangerous mental illness, in which a person feels obsessions and compulsion. Like an obsession, he might have unwanted thoughts about dirt, disease, terrible things...

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Eating Disorders Treatment in Indore

Eating Disorders Treatment in Indore

Eating Disorder Treatment in Indore Eating disorders are the abnormal patterns of eating and exercising in a person, which have severe impacts on daily life. In this disorder, the person feels extra conscious about his health and feels worried...

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